My projects

My personal sites, where I am an admin: — is a country of fantasy, cousy corner place of Internet which is always updates. In this site you can find a huge collection of beautiful graphics, animations, scripts, cursors, melodies, layouts, calendars and a lot of other marvellous things, whitch will try to made you wonderful smile and will help to decorate your homepages! (Russian version) — is my homepage in Russian. The main thing of this site is that there is my childish diary from 0 to 9 years. My mother wrote it. If you know Russian and you are interested in reading about all my childhood — welcome :) Sorry, I haven't a chance to translate this diary in English becouse I know English not very well. — my Russian webstudio.

ava_dream — my community (my avatars). — my forum (Russian version) — collection of beautiful backgrounds (Russian version).